Chinese Massage Therapy

Lady getting a Chinese massage

Relax and treat yourself to a full body relaxing massage to help with muscle pain. Maybe an aromatherapy massage or hotstones treatment, we welcome both genders specialise in dealing pain management, stress relief and wellbeing.

Chinese massage candle

About me

My name is Yi Jun Pan but you can call me Emily. Over the years many of my customers have become friends due to skilled massage technique the provision of a rich experience exceptional service and a cheerful personality.

I have now set up a small massage treatment studio in Camborne Cornwall, please read on to find out more about me……

Our Services

Chinese Massage

Many and varied benefits including  improving blood circulation and pain relief , helps with fatigue and stress.

Chinese Head Massage

Sooths the nerves around the head, releases stress that has accumulated in the tissue muscle and joints of the head

Hot Stones

Accelerates the bodies metabolisim promotes lymphatic drainage, expels toxins from the body can also play a role in relieving stress.

Aromatheray Massage

Essential oils have a great influence. When used in massage it helps with the emotion release  & promotes circulation